Beer and your Belly…. THE TRUTH

It seems like beer drinkers across the globe have a tendency to grow bellies. But is it really the Beer that causes the bellies to grow? Beer is not necessarily the cause, but consuming too many calories. We can find calories in anything, from alcohol, sugary beverages or food. All of these have an association with accumulation of fat in the midsection.

Also beer takes the blame because alcohol calories are very easy to overdo. On average a beer can have up to 150 calories. Beer lover wont just have 1 beer they will drink several in one sitting. Alcohol can increase your appetite, so in addition to the calories from the beer you will be adding calories from fatty foods at hand.

Calories turn into fat, and as we get older and the hormone levels decline they are more likely to be store around the middle. Belly fat in the midsection it’s linked to a variety of health problems, from type 2 diabetes to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. The good news is that if you start loosing weight, the fat accumulated in the midsection is the first one to go.

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